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Information in English

As a new member of Unionen, you benefit from a starter pack that includes five insurance policies. A pack that we at Bliwa have developed in partnership with Unionen. You will receive free cover for the first three months – a great start to your membership.

Five insurance policies free for three months

The starter pack includes life insurance, personal accident insurance, health insurance, critical illness insurance and lump-sum benefit insurance. The policies are included free of charge for three months. Sums insured and monthly cost can be found in the table below.

No health declaration

To be covered by the insurance policies in the starter pack, you must be fully capable of working. In other words, able to work as usual and not be on sick leave. Read more here. Thus, you do not need to submit a health declaration, which you would otherwise have to do when taking out various personal insurance policies. The personal accident insurance applies even if you are not fully capable of working.

Remain insured

Want to remain insured after the three free months? If that is the case, simply pay the first invoice you receive from us. It’s that easy. If you want to keep track of future payments, please register for direct debit on My pages (Mina sidor). Choose the insurance you actually need Your need for security depends on where you are in your life. Perhaps you want to co-insure a partner, take out child insurance or cancel an insurance policy? Log into My pages (Mina sidor) or call us on +46 (0)8-670 11 00.

Upgrade your free cover

During your first three months as a new member, the free period, you can increase your health insurance cover to SEK 2,300 per month and life insurance cover to 15 price base amounts. To do this, you have to be fully capable of working. This offer is only available to you as a group member (member of Unionen), not to a co-insured partner.

Insurance Sum insured Monthly cost    
    18-35 years 36-55 years 56-69 years*
Life insurance 588 000 kr 40 kr 61 kr 138 kr
Personal accident insurance 1 176 000 kr 37 kr 37 kr 37 kr
Health insurance 1 600 SEK/month 16 kr 24 kr 36 kr
Critical illness insurance 58 800 kr 15 kr 22 kr 47 kr
Lump-sum benefit insurance 882 000 kr 29 kr 38 kr 36 kr

*The lump sum benefit insurance applies for at most up to and including the month in which the insured group member attains the age of 65. Not included in the free cover if you've already turned 65 when entering the membership.

All the other insurances applies for at most up to and including the month in which the insured group member attains the age of 67. If the insured group member is a working member of Unionen after having attained the age of 67, the insurance may apply for at most up to the month in which the insured group member attains the age of 70.

Young start pack (Startpaket Ung) - discount for young members

If you are up to 30 years of age, you will be insured through the Young Starter Pack (Startpaket Ung). If you keep your starter pack, you will have a 50 percent discount on the insurances.

Start pack price after free cover: 71 kr
(regular price: 137 kr)

The starter pack’s five insurance policies in brief

Personal accident insurance (olycksfallsförsäkring)

Provides compensation for costs incurred in the event of an accident. Is also a great help if the accident means that you can no longer function or work as usual.

Health insurance (sjukförsäkring)

The health insurance supplements the compensation you receive from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) and any collective insurance. It helps to reduce the loss of income if you are on long-term sick leave.

Life insurance (livförsäkring)

What happens to your loved ones if you die? Life insurance can provide financial security during a difficult period. The compensation is paid as a lump sum.

Critical illness insurance (diagnosförsäkring)

If you develop a serious illness, such as cancer, or suffer a heart attack or stroke, critical illness insurance can provide immediate financial help. The compensation is paid as a lump sum.

Lump-sum benefit insurance (sjukkapitalförsäkring)

If you have to take long-term sick leave and your ability to work decreases, then your income decreases. Lump-sum benefit insurance provides a financial contribution. The compensation is paid as a lump sum.


Cancelling your insurance

Want to cancel the insurance package before the first three free months are up? Then you can do this at any time. If you do not pay the first invoice, the insurance policies will expire. Want to remain insured, but then cancel the policies at a later date? You can do this at any time. Contact our customer service team on +46 (0)8-670 11 00 or e-mail unionen@bliwa.se.

If you are not fully capable of working – please let us know! If you were not fully capable of working when you joined Unionen, your insurance cover may be limited. To avoid paying for insurance that you cannot receive compensation from, you must notify us before the end of your third month of membership.